Upcoming 100% Membership Target Date – May 15th

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Commanders Message May 2024

Peter J DeAngelis
Detachment Commander – NY

As we approach the critical May 15th deadline, I write to you with both urgency and optimism. We stand on the brink of achieving our 100% renewal target, with just 386 renewals left to secure. This is a milestone we can attain together, but it requires concerted effort and immediate action from all quarters.

I urge every Squadron membership chairman, County commander, District commander, and Vice commander to disseminate this message far and wide: If any dues are still pending, they must be transmitted without delay. Every outstanding renewal brings us closer to our collective goal, and time is of the essence.

Our strength lies in our unity and our commitment to our shared mission. Let us rally together in these final days, leaving no stone unturned until every last renewal is accounted for. Together, we can ensure that the Detachment of New York reaches its full potential and continues to serve our community with unwavering dedication.

Thank you for your steadfast support and tireless efforts thus far. Let us press on with renewed vigor and determination until the 100% target is within our grasp.

Let us remember and dedicate ourselves to the “Work Mode” theme! 

God Bless America!

Peter J DeAngelis

Detachment Commander – NY


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