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To: The American Legion Family of New York & Friends
RE: The Election of Bill Clancy as National Commander for
The Sons of The American Legion
Friends All,
Serving as SAL Det. Commander of New York in 2018 was the greatest honor
of my life. Traveling our Empire State, visiting so many posts and counties,
making friends and seeing the amazing good works & deeds being done by
The American Legion Family was a privilege.
My message was one of confidence in our organization. Confidence in our
values and steadfast belief that Thinking Big and Being Bold is how we can
achieve growth and spread our message.
With that same spirit in mind and heart I am pursuing the high office of National
Commander of The Sons of The American Legion.
The SAL is hitting an all-time high across the Nation. It’s my concrete belief that
this is perfect timing as our Nation’s Veterans, our American Legion Family,
and indeed our Nation itself needs us more than ever before.
We have to “Be The One” to stop veterans from suicide and living in despair.
We have to inspire our youth to serve their Community, State and Nation. We
need to project the values set forth in our preamble to All Americans.
I plan to carry this message to every Squadron in every corner of our country!
To get there however, I need your support! We need to finance the campaign to
the tune of over $100,000
Please consider a donation or fundraisers from your Post, Squadron, Auxiliary
or Riders Chapter. Perhaps organize something at your county or district level.
Donations can be presented at The Midwinter Conference SAL Meetings, The
Bronx County Midwinter Meet & Greet Room, or mailed to AL Department HQ –
1304 Park Boulevard, Troy NY 12180.
Checks to be made payable to “American Legion Bill Clancy SAL Fund”
I very much appreciate your support and look forward to carrying on for God &
Bill Clancy, PDC NY
Candidate for National Commander of The Sons of The American Legion
All Correspondence to AL Dept. HQ – 1304 Park Boulevard Troy NY 12180
Honorary Chairman
Christopher R. Cerullo
Greg ‘Doc’ Gibbs PNC
Joe Paviglianti PNC by vote
of the National Convention body
David W. Lee
Robert J. Avery
Hospitality Chairman
PDC Raymond J. Jarvis
Department Consultant
PNVC Robert F. Neville
Always in Our Hearts
Bill Clancy Sr. PDVC
Mary Anne Clancy ALA
Richard O’Keefe PDC
Doug Malin, PDC
Jim ‘Ness” Nessler