2025 Washington Conference Detachment Wreath and Lunch Request Form

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Bernie Kessler, Chairman
National Legislative Commission
Sons of The American Legion
5726 Vorndran Road
New Washington, OH 44854
Email: kesslerbernie@gmail.com Cell: (419) 564-0114
October 22, 2024
To: All Members of The Sons of The American Legion
Re: Wreath Laying Ceremonies, Washington DC, Sunday, February 23, 2025
The Sons of The American Legion National Commander Joseph Navaretté will be placing a wreath at the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery at 1:15 pm after stopping at the World War II Memorial and
the Vietnam Wall Memorial. This notification will allow members of The American Legion, American Legion
Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, American Legion Riders friends and families to attend and show our respect
for the sacrifices made by our Nation’s military in the defense of liberty and freedom.
In previous years, Detachments placed their wreaths in various areas in Washington DC. The National
Organization received from the American Legion Family and many tourists have made positive statements seeing the
wreaths from Detachments placed around the Washington area. We feel that this is a very positive outcome and are
recommending any Detachment wishing to lay a wreath or have a wreath laid for them in the Washington area to
Representatives from each Detachment or their designee would be able to choose a location to lay their wreath,
some placed wreaths at areas that the bus rented by the National Organization stopped to do ceremonies, and others
later placed wreaths in various locations around Washington DC. I will be ordering wreaths for National Commander
Navarette, and to have the wreaths appear in conformity, we will order wreaths as a group for each Detachment or
Squadron; the wreaths last year cost each Detachment $200 and remain the same for this year.
I will provide each Detachment with a separate receipt from the florist shop for each wreath ordered, if
requested. Checks should be made payable to Bernie Kessler and mailed to my home address. Below is an order form.
Please send back only the bottom portion of this letter and keep the top section for your records. I must receive the
completed order form and payment by January 29, 2025, to ensure your Detachment has a wreath ordered. (No
payment, no wreath, no group rate!)
At Arlington National cemetery we will be going to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The tomb is a walk
uphill from the visitor center and you may walk or take the tram. This year we are again adding an offer to purchase
your tickets for the Tram ride to the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in advance to
speed up the process of getting to the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier quicker. Group rate for the Tram ride is $15.50
each. If you would like to be included, fill it in on the form and we will purchase group rate tickets. Veterans can get a
cheaper rate but MUST purchase on your own with qualified ID, we cannot purchase them for you.
Sons of The American Legion
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The National Organization will again this year rent two buses to transport individuals to and from the wreath
laying ceremonies. In an effort to fully take advantage of this we will be taking requests for seats on the buses with the
wreath order. It is very important, if you reserve a seat that you be in attendance and if you cannot, please contact:
Bernie Kessler, ASAP (Cell 419-564-0114).
We will also again this year order box lunches for on the bus “it is highly recommended that individuals take
advantage of this as it is a long period to go without eating.” The cost will be $9.00 each – you will have a choice of
turkey, ham or roast beef. Payment and choice will be needed along with the wreath order.
Everyone who wishes to attend MUST fill out a form and submit, National does not reserve for anyone.
If you need further information or have questions, I can be contacted by phone during the day at 419-564-0114
or by email: kesslerbernie@gmail.com


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