Commissions & Committees

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  • Americanism Commission
    • The Americanism Commission concerns itself with the promotion of the “true spirit of Americanism” throughout our nation. Americanism Programs are high visibility programs. Most are designed to benefit America.s young people who might be considered average and above. American Legion Boys States and Boys Nation are two such Americanism programs. Others include American Legion Baseball, the High School Oratorical Contest, and the Junior Shooting Sports Program. All are very competitive and highly structured. Other recognizable programs falling under the Americanism Program are Boy Scout unit sponsorship, Get Out the Vote initiatives, Flag Education, and Education & Scholarship programs and information. The latter would include distribution of the Legion.s financial aid handbook, “Need A Lift?”, The American Legion Samsung Scholarship, and the Legion.s American Legacy Scholarship for the children of America’s fighting men and women who died on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Community Service activities also fall under the Americanism category, and may include Adopt-A-Highway, Citizen Corps, Meals on Wheels to name but a few. In the past, this commission has promoted such projects as the placement of U.S. flags in schools, Get Out the Vote programs, Eddie The Eagle Gun Safety Program, assistance and scholarship programs and “Service to God and Country” programs.
    Children & Youth
    • Few issues are more important to the members of the Sons of The American Legion than that of children and youth. The very existence of the organization is tied closely to the need to provide guidance and support for the youth of our nation.
    Commander’s Advisory
    • Consists of the immediate three (3) Past Detachment Commanders. The Advisory Committee to the National Commander To serve co-extensively with the term of the Detachment Commander. The Commander’s Advisory Committee is a body made up of Past Detachment Commanders who possess many cumulative years of experience and are able to provide counsel to the current Detachment Commander on just about any matter before the organization.
    Conventions & Meetings
    • The Convention Committee expectations are to design agendas and programs outside of the actual meeting agenda that will take place in conjunction with the annual Detachment Convention. These are things to do in the host city with the whole family to keep the spirit of the Legion Family alive throughout the Detachment Convention. The committee is also responsible for disseminating information about the convention and its surrounding activities.
    • The Finance Commission is responsible for the organization’s annual budget, funds management and oversight for divisions and departments within the Legion. The commission also manages permanent endowments and funds, including The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, The American Legion Endowment Fund, The American Legion Life Insurance and Trust Committee, The American Legion Emblem Committee and The American Legion Overseas Graves Decoration Trust. The National Emblem Sales Division is under the Finance Commission and has responsibility for sales of The American Legion emblem, merchandise bearing the emblem and other items available for purchase through The Emblem Sales Catalog or by shopping online.
    Internal Affairs
    • The Internal Affairs Commission concerns itself with the rules and inner workings of the Detachment organization. This body is charged with the responsibility of overseeing resolutions, making sure they are received and considered in proper form.
    • The Legislative Commission actively follows the Legion Legislative positions, monitors upcoming legislation for veteran and military impact, organizes the Washington, DC and Albany, NY On-the-Hill visitations, while continually getting the word out to our membership for legislative action items.
    Member Training & DevelopmentMembership
    • The Membership Committee is responsible for developing strategies and activities relating to new and renewed membership within the sons. This committee also maintains membership records and coordinates competitions and certifications.
    Mid-Winter ConferencePublic Relations
    • The Public Relations Commission coordinates the internal and external images and messages of the S.A.L. The commission works in concert with other commissions and committees and assists them in achieving goals associated with public and media relations.
    • The Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission coordinates programs and activities geared toward support of the nation’s current and former uniformed military personnel. The commission collects data on S.A.L. contributions to veteran programs and coordinates numerous competitions related to veteran support.


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